The New Zealand Web Awards has become a trusted source for independent website reviews worldwide since 1998. Google always ranks us in the top ten list out of millions of pages. We apologize, but we do not rate or post awards to sexually explicit, racist, or violent websites.
This rating is a FREE service and by applying and being rated, it makes you part of the #1 web award service in New Zealand and the World! Once you have been rated you will also receive a free listing in our New Zealand Web Award directory.
At the end of each year we will determine "The Website of the Year" for each rating category and we wish all of our recipients the best of luck!
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Debbie Reynolds
“My name is Debbie and I’m a teacher. I came across your page while searching for information about genealogy for an upcoming student project. The resources you have are very helpful! I just wanted to thank you and thought you should know how useful it is as it’s made collecting information a lot easier”
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